pros and cons of fingerprint evidencepros and cons of fingerprint evidence

pros and cons of fingerprint evidence pros and cons of fingerprint evidence

The SWGFAST standard for individualization follows. By meeting these requirements, the student demonstrates the ability to consistently render reliable conclusions. Pros- Scholars regard DNA evidence as "probably the greatest forensic advancement since the advent of fingerprinting"; It can prove actual innocence even when other trustworthy evidence plays in the defendant's favor; If handled properly, DNA evidence can be stored for years which is helpful because investigations and criminal court proceedings 2. A solid quality assurance program is not a static entity, but it should continue to evolve with the needs of the discipline and the requirements of accrediting bodies. The Constitution requires that these rules are there to: Remove expense and delay: The rules get set to promote your right to a speedy trial. Pursuing a career in forensic science can be challenging and fascinating. According to the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB), When associations are made, the significance of the association shall be communicated clearly and qualified properly in the report (ASCLD/LAB 2006a). One of the most controversial forensic techniques is bite-mark comparison. In the latent print community, it is generally thought that any calculation of error should include only erroneous identifications, because these are the only errors of consequence within the legal system. Among the biggest problems that we uncovered in the report is the absence of the application of scientific methodology to determine whether or not the discipline was valid and reliable as was done with DNA, says Harry T. Edwards, a U.S. federal judge and part of the NAS committee that produced that 2009 report. Exploring The Legality Of It, Will Rittenhouse Be Convicted? SWGFAST has also published a guideline for training latent print examiners to competency (SWGFAST 2002c). Fingerprint examination cases typically match or outnumber all other forensic casework combined with approximately ten times as many cases solved using fingerprint evidence compared to DNA.1 . Wertheim, K. and Maceo, A. The alternate hypothesis is consequently that the latent print did not originate from the same source as the known print. We are a blog that talks about different law-related topics. Standard terminology for expressing conclusions of forensic footwear and tire impression examinations [Online]. If corrective actions do not improve or eliminate the root cause, then additional administrative action must be considered. 2003). After a few years of conducting this training at the federal level, satellite programs could be initiated at other laboratories. It is foreseeable that the debate over probabilities will naturally continue while the debate over sufficiency and error rate continues. After fully comparing the two prints, the examiner can reach conclusions based on all of the information present. (Manuscript in preparation). This is the evaluation phase of ACE-V. Three conclusions can be reached in friction ridge examinations: individualization, exclusion, and inconclusive (see Standards for Conclusions section for additional discussion) (SWGFAST 2002a, 2003). Using a fingerprint will ensure that the person who is clocking in/out, is who they say they are. 1982; Roberts et al. (March 2006). All of these factors combine to establish an individual examiners sufficiency threshold. These examiners would be eligible to instruct in a satellite training program once they have gained several years of experience as certified examiners and have become senior/master examiners at their respective laboratories. The LPU QA system itself has evolved significantly over the years. After the March 2004 terrorist bombings in Madrid that killed almost 200 people, a partial print found on a bag of detonators was sent to the FBI. It implies that a print might have come from many people. Examiners must be aware of several factors that may increase the potential for error in latent print examinations. There are far fewer cons than pros. American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB). Better technology can improve identification accuracy. If the root cause can be determined, then proper corrective steps can be initiated. Standards for the sufficiency of friction ridge impressions for individualization. After gathering all of the data available in the unknown (latent) print, the examiner also analyzes the known print. The zig-zag line near the bottom of the impression highlights an area of ridge path misalignment. 2005; Dror et al. You can imply that someone was at a crime scene. As with all other aspects of quality assurance, documentation requirements have evolved over the years. Perspective on errors, bias, and interpretation in the forensic sciences and direction for continuing advancement, Journal of Forensic Sciences (2009) 54:798809. In the first questioning stage, the court decides whether said facts are true. It happens when a defendant testifies to questioning. Only those friction ridge impressions that lie near the sufficiency threshold require additional consideration. Reports should be supported by case documentation and include a summary of the examiners results, to include any conclusions reached and the disposition of the evidence. Unlike other forensic disciplines with varying degrees of association (see Scientific Working Group on Shoeprint and Tire Tread Evidence [SWGTREAD] 2006), friction ridge impressions are only individualized, excluded, or inconclusively compared. At the FBI, blind verification is performed in cases when a single conclusion is reported (i.e., one individualization to one individual or one exclusion or one inconclusive to any number of individuals). manuscript in preparation; Srihari et al. Is A Text Message Legally Binding? If the laboratory meets the required needs, the review also establishes whether case reports contain accurate information to allow for the interpretation of the results. A qualified training program, or standard curriculum, should include a standard list of topics to be covered, the number of hours to be spent on each topic, texts to be read, and tests to be taken. Forces Left Afghanistan. In this article we review the latent print discipline by addressing many of the fundamental topics associated with latent print examination. Although these two fingerprints are similar in their general shape and size of the pattern area, they are easily distinguishable when compared. As new fingerprints are added to the AFIS, criminal investigators can search them against the ULF collection in the hope of making a match. LockA locked padlock The prosecutor offers evidence of a victims character trait in a homicide case. Available: American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB). Together, these exemplify the agreement of the information and the absence of any conflicting information. When explainable differences (i.e., differences due to distortion) or other factors influencing the quality of a latent print are present and their presence could interfere with the proper interpretation of the print, the analysis and resulting conclusion should be considered complex and documented in the case notes and, if possible, on the photographs. The guideline covers recommended subject areas by outlining required and supplemental training objectives. A report on the erroneous fingerprint individualization in the Madrid train bombing case, In practice, examiners do not compare friction ridge skin directly; they compare two-dimensional impressions made by the friction ridge skin. Bite Mark Evidence: What You Should Know About This Debunked Science. ASCLD/LAB International Supplemental requirements for the accreditation of forensic science testing laboratories, which form the basis for the current FBI LPU documentation requirements, define documentation requirements: (1) Documentation must be sufficient so that another analyst could evaluate what was done and determine if the conclusions are supported and (2) Documentation must meet all applicable requirements in Appendix A (latent print-specific documentation requirements) (ASCLD/LAB 2006b). The ACE-V process, more generally known as the ACE-V methodology, is a series of steps found within the scientific method (Reznicek et al. The satellite programs would be directed by examiners who have successfully completed the training program at the federal laboratory, because they would be the most familiar with the format and progression of the program. Because latent print examinations employ no system beyond the examiner, the only error rate that can be provided is the human error rate. Strengths, Limitations, and Controversies of DNA Evidence by Naseam Rachel Behrouzfard examines the benefits and disadvantages of DNA evidence in criminal cases: Pros Scholars regard DNA evidence as "probably the greatest forensic advancement since the advent of fingerprinting" Integral to the standards for conclusions is the concept of sufficiency, or how much information is needed to support the statement of identification of a single source (SWGFAST 2002a). 1. Interoperability between two jurisdictions will determine whether Jurisdiction A can search the database in Jurisdiction B to find a match. When reporting results, a forensic latent print examiner must be able to explain the basis for any conclusion reached, as well as the significance of that conclusion. Recent studies. I: Similarity of fingerprints, Journal of Forensic Sciences (1982) 27:290304. At times newer examiners can bring a fresh look to a problem. A Review of the FBIs Handling of the Brandon Mayfield CaseUnclassified Executive Summary. Wertheim, K., Langenburg, G., and Moenssens, A. FBI Laboratory. The arrows in Figure 2D point to the level-two detail ridge characteristics (ending ridges, bifurcations, and/or dots). People also act out of character in some cases. The court then accepts evidence depending on its findings. The defendant requests a jury not to be present because they are a witness. Learn more at AJS Blog! Latent fingerprints used in criminal investigations are often crucial pieces of evidence that can link a suspect to a crime. The fingerprint images can then be photographed, marked up for distinguishing features by latent fingerprint examiners, and used to search an automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS). Inconclusive decisions typically occur because the corresponding areas of friction ridge detail are absent or not interpretable (Federal Bureau of Investigation [hereafter FBI] 2007). It is more accurate to say that the ACE-V methodology does not have a calculable error rate because it has no inherent error. Huber, R. A. To determine the sufficiency of a given impression, examiners draw upon their knowledge gained from examining a multitude of friction ridge impressions during training and in actual casework, combined with their knowledge of the biology of friction ridge skin, the factors involved in the reproduction of skin and friction ridge impressions, and probability modeling of friction ridge arrangements. Character evidence may be admissible in proving: Intent, motive, and identity. But according to the National Academies of Sciences, a lot more research is needed on the natural variability of burn patterns and damage characteristics and how they are affected by the presence of various accelerants. The standard for individualization is agreement of sufficient friction ridge details in sequence. Figure 5 depicts an exclusion scenario. Figure 2C highlights the overall flow of the friction ridges. Continuing education allows examiners to feel confident that the procedures they use are valid and the most up to date. Those monitoring the program would need to ensure that a standard curriculum is being followed and that the classes are being taught by highly qualified latent print examiners or other appropriately experienced individuals. At the FBI, inconclusive decisions are reported in a statement such as, The latent print was inconclusively compared with the fingerprints of John Doe. In court, an examiner may testify to an inconclusive conclusion with a statement such as, I was not able to either individualize or exclude John Doe as the source of the latent print(s). The statement conveys the conclusion well but does not address the basis for the conclusion. CRC Press-Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 1999. Further study into possible causes of erroneous identifications and error detection methods, both in casework and in research settings, is warranted and should be sought continuously. Our project overcomes the above 2 disadvantages of existing system. For example, an examiner may determine that two prints originated from the same source based upon all of the information present in the two prints but that the quantity of a specific subset of this information does not fulfill that examiners mandated numerical standard. Proposal 1: National Latent Print Examiner School. The potential for conflict between examiners or agencies always exists. Such a record allows for the review of activities if the quality of a specific work product comes into question or if an error is detected. No two people have the same pattern of friction ridges. Oversight and Review Division. Dror, I. E., Pron, A. E., Hind, S.-L., and Charlton, D. When emotions get the better of us: The effect of contextual top-down processing on matching fingerprints, Applied Cognitive Psychology (2005) 19:799809. Quality assurance and documentation standards in the latent print discipline. The FBI balanced this minimum educational requirement by hiring candidates with significant experience in classifying and filing fingerprint cards. that contribute to the appearance of friction ridge impressions and, in particular, how each factor affects the quantity and quality of information present in a given impression. List of Cons of DNA Fingerprinting 1. Proposal 3: University-Based Latent Print Training. To get convictions in criminal cases, you need to remove reasonable doubt. An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. 1. Galton, F. Finger Prints. If not cautious (or vigilant), an examiner may be influenced by the knowledge of specific case information (Ashbaugh 1991; Dror and Charlton 2006; Dror et al. A periodic review of the case files ensures that the quality system meets the needs of the customer. This program could be offered as part of a masters degree program and include a job-placement program to make it more attractive to potential students. Pros like exonerating innocent people are a major reason why this biotechnology should keep being used. The most effective support lies in an understanding of the development of the friction ridge skin during fetal growth. This source is a known exemplar. One hypothesis will therefore be that the latent print did originate from the same source as the known print. The prints show persons who were most likely at the crime scene. Testimony can be evaluated by any court official or reviewed for technical accuracy by a subject-matter expert who either directly observes the testimony or reviews a transcript. A dot is a ridge in the center of other ridges but does not connect. The error rates associated with automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIS) are distinct from error rates associated with latent print examinations because such systems only provide candidates for the examiner to compare and do not play a role in the latent print examinations themselves. The flow of the ridges in the given friction ridge impression is consistent with coming from the end joint of a finger and further displays either a small loop or arch pattern. [1] An AFIS is a computer system that stores fingerprint images in an organized, searchable data structure that is widely used by criminal justice agencies to maintain databases of the fingerprints of individuals who are arrested or incarcerated. Human error is generally treated separately in most sciences, and in many sciences, it is not discussed as a rate or probability (Skoog et al. The accused knows the nature of the charges and the evidence supporting the charges. Fingerprints are much harder to fake, they also change very little over a lifetime, so the data remains current for much longer than photos and passwords. The program also should identify what milestones examiners must meet to complete the training and what actions should be taken when examiners fail to meet these milestones. The first step in the testing phase is analysis, which involves gathering all of the information available in a print to determine if sufficient quality and quantity exist for the print to be individualized (see Sufficiency section for additional discussion). This plan would take most of the funding responsibility away from the government and place it on the educational institution. Although we do not currently have a numerical measurement of error rate, research is ongoing to determine what approaches may legitimately capture error-rate predictions. Prints can help you compile a list of potential suspects for a crime. This argument demonstrates a certain navet regarding the disparate nature of the information considered in the various forensic disciplines. This may lead to a larger number of unworked cases initially, but would eventually increase the number of cases worked in the future by providing additional qualified examiners. After becoming certified, examiners would be required to take an annual proficiency examination to maintain their status as certified latent print examiners. In: Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition. Laboratories can minimize error by properly training and testing examiners, ensuring that examiners diligently perform their jobs, establishing well-defined protocols, and adhering to the practices inherent in a strong quality assurance program. The program should include an Apprenticeship/Mentorship component so that trainees can apply the training to actual casework under the direct supervision of an experienced examiner. Within the holistic standard, the sufficiency threshold is not defined (i.e., quantified) because much of the information an examiner evaluates is not readily quantifiable (see Figure 2). And so part of the problem here really is about hubris or over-claiming. Examiners accomplish this when they report the results of their examinations, as well as when they testify in court. The NAS report found that there exists an adequate understanding of the uncertainties and potential errors in the analysis of controlled substances due to rigorous scientific testing. Create more uniformity in training and skill level by establishing a national standard training curriculum and certification program, using three possible options: Develop a national latent print examiner school. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Laboratory Division. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Other laboratories and agencies may vary in policies and practices while still producing a reliable work product. The Pros And Cons Of Fingerprinting. In Figure 3C, the colored lines throughout the impressions indicate the paths of the individual ridges in sequence by color. The content of this article should not be construed as a comprehensive review of the entire latent print discipline, nor is it expected that every member of the latent print community will agree with every statement made herein. The court has the option to accept evidence later. If calibration will ensure that the equipment works properly, then the laboratory should formulate and follow a regular calibration schedule. Edward Eddie Gates is a retired corporate attorney. Based on the source of the error, a review of the examiners work product may be initiated that includes a sampling of all finished work product since the last successfully completed test. The problem? Saks, M. J. and Koehler, J. J. Probable or possible identification conclusions are outside the acceptable limits of the friction ridge identification science (SWGFAST 2006) (see Statistics and Probability Modeling section for additional discussion). For more than a century, fingerprints, palm prints and sole prints have been used as identification tools by law enforcement. In the friction ridge discipline, an individualization is often reported as, One latent fingerprint detected on a demand note has been identified as a fingerprint of JOHN DOE. Similarly, when testifying, an examiner often describes the individualization conclusion with a statement such as, The latent print on Governments Exhibit 10, a revolver, and the fingerprint recorded in the right index finger block on the fingerprint card bearing the name John Doe originated from the same source.. The court should take all necessary steps to ensure such evidence is not in the trial. It is the responsibility of the friction ridge community, working in concert with the legal community, to determine how to most effectively relate the basis, standards, significance, and limitations of latent print examiner conclusions. It is worth noting that the lack of a numerical standard has not been deemed the cause of any error (Cole 2005; U.S. Department of Justice [hereafter DOJ] 2006). A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Wiley-Liss, New York, 1991, pp. Some experts have suggested that the holistic approach, which has been criticized as relying too much on the subjective interpretation of the examiner, would gain an additional measure of objectivity from a calculated sufficiency based upon statistical models of individuality. At the FBI Laboratory, all forensic examiners have access to an extensive forensic science library and experienced staff to obtain research and continuing education materials. Each individual examiner is not expected to develop the same exact threshold for sufficiency, but these individual thresholds should not vary significantly from the consensus threshold. As a result, the chance that human errors will be made or repeated is constantly changing. Fingerprint analysis is the act of comparing fingerprints left at the scene of a crime or on a particular piece of evidence for the purpose of identifying the particular person who left those . The documented result should include the presence or absence of any prints and the indication of whether the developed prints are suitable for capture either through scanning or photography. A national latent print examiner school could be created to train latent print examiners to competency and provide a consistent level of training throughout the discipline. Satellite programs would be monitored closely to ensure compliance with the federal program. There are several advantages and disadvantages of DNA fingerprinting worth considering as this option becomes more available to criminal justice systems around the world. Like DNA analysis, the analysis of controlled substances is a mature forensic science discipline and one of the areas with strong scientific underpinnings developed along the lines of classical analytical chemistry. Lin, C. H., Liu, J. H., Osterburg, J. W., and Nicol, J. D. Fingerprint comparison. Because the human brain is capable of analyzing and comparing more information than can be effectively illustrated here, these figures are not intended to represent all of the information examiners consider during the comparison process. Additional funding is provided by the Abrams Foundation; the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Park Foundation; the Heising-Simons Foundation; and the FRONTLINE Journalism Fund with major support from Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation, and additional support from Koo and Patricia Yuen. The laboratory must maintain any equipment used during the examination process in proper working condition. Documentation of evidence collection should include any items collected for transfer to the laboratory, any items processed at the scene, the processes used at the scene, and any latent print lifts or photographs produced. ASCLD/LAB-International Supplemental Requirements for the Accreditation of Forensic Science Testing Laboratories. A solid quality assurance program should be described in a quality manual that includes instruction on all aspects of the quality system and the correlation between the policy and the accreditation body. 2006). Fingerprint analysis provides a way to convict criminals based on hard evidence without dealing directly with more gruesome details often associated with major crimes, like bone and blood DNA evidence. (January 2005). You need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that someone committed a crime. (September 11, 2003). Even in cases where the defendant finds new evidence supporting exclusion. When a fire occurs, fire investigators are called to the scene to determine the cause of the fire and the potential for arson. The FBI Latent Print Unit adheres to the SWGFAST Standards for Conclusions (2003). They are: A previous wrong cant prove that the defendant acted per their character. These patterns get to run on a database to see if there are potential matches. Hale, A. R. Morphogenesis of volar skin in the human fetus. Standardization Committee report. Locard, E. La preuve judiciaire par les empreintes digitales. If the laboratory has successfully completed these audits and assessments, the users can rest assured that the policies and procedures in place within the quality system allow the laboratory to produce a quality work product. List of the Advantages of DNA Fingerprinting 1. Unlike many of the others gathered to meet the needs of law enforcement, it faced rigorous scientific experimentation and validation prior to its use in forensic science. Weve been around since 2015 so we have an extensive archive of articles to choose from. The lack of conventional quantification of the sufficiency threshold is mitigated further by the nonconsumptive nature of friction ridge examination. This review should determine if additional corrective steps are necessary before the examiner is assigned any new casework. In: Margot, P. and German, E. Fingerprint identification breakout meeting Neurim declaration. In: Pankanti, S., Prabhakar, S., and Jain, A. K. On the individuality of fingerprints. The ACE-V (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification) methodology. Although areas for improvement of the disciplinesuch as determining the sufficiency of latent prints and latent print examination error ratesexist, the science of friction ridge examination as a whole is both relevant and reliable. A jury gets excluded if: During the first questioning, a defendant may remove themselves from future cross-examination. The paths of the ridges passing through this area also require greater scrutiny. Why do we have these rules? Many collectors use a cotton swab to collect saliva from the mouth for testing. As with any other scientific endeavor that involves human beings, latent print examination is not infallible. The laboratory would need additional funding and staffing to take on this added responsibility. The defendant offered evidence of their character. Even though examiners are trained to recognize the factors that may affect the translation of information (Ashbaugh 1999), further study into all of the issues affecting the quality of a latent print, and the effect of quality on sufficiency, is warranted. Empirical studies of fingerprint persistence have shown that friction ridge arrangements do not change with time, barring the formation of a scar resulting from damage or injury severe enough to disrupt the friction ridge template located at the basal layer of the epidermis (Faulds 1912; Maceo 2005). It is the case when certain facts get proven true during the trial. Create an argument that discusses the pros and cons of using fingerprints as evidence for convicting a person of a crime. Saks, M. J. and Koehler, J. J. After the investigation into the cause of and failure to internally detect the Madrid error, the FBI Laboratorys Latent Print Unit (LPU) implemented improvements to its quality assurance program to help detect errors and to reduce the chance of committing such errors again. Abstract. Cummins, H. Finger prints: Normal and abnormal patterns. The definitive resource on the science of fingerprint identification. Saks, M. J. and Koehler, J. J. Pankanti, S., Prabhakar, S., and Jain, A. K. On the individuality of fingerprints, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2002) 24(8):10101025. The fire investigation community largely consists of people who are firemen. The following paragraphs outline elements of the current QA program employed in the Latent Print Unit of the FBI Laboratory, an ASCLD/LAB-accredited laboratory. Instead of a biometric fingerprint scanner, you can use an integrated time clock. All individualizations are subject to verification. Establish legislation mandating adherence to standards established by SWGFAST or a nationally recognized governing body. The inset enlargements in Figure 5 highlight the ridge paths within the core area of the impressions.

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