darlie routier dna results 2019 darlie routier dna results 2019
I went to look for more info and that is when I found all the resources I needed, complete with all the transcripts of her own testimony and statements that changed. Any DNA found from an unknown person must be proven to be connected to the crime. Should she be proven innocent ( personally I believe she is), please take a good long hats look inside your own heart and try to imagine how YOU would feel if something like this happened to you. Their marriage clearly had major issues. Blood spatter means just thatspatters of blood on the shirt. Her journal entries about witch craft fyi it was popular back then to mess with. New DNA Testing Underway in Darlie Routier Capital Murder Case The amount of banging in a drawner on a counter top would not make that shape. You comment about the distance as if she couldnt have done it prior to cutting her own throat. The stars may finally be aligning for Darlie Routier, the Rowlett homemaker who was sent to Death Row 22 years ago by a Kerrville jury thanks in part to the sexism and character judgments of male law enforcement officers and Dallas County prosecutors. That Miss Paris is an idiot or a fool but probably both. They convicted a innocent woman. Your work should tell the story. The biggest glaring mistake is the transcript. He added that time has also taken a toll on other potential evidence. Copy that. They know that the streets are no safer when I was or was not on them. It took many years of requesting her help before she finally looked at the case & decided to take it. But I guess we will see . It was over the surviving son where she lost custody of course. Thank you! At that point, you went off on Dana and threatened her. Neighbors admitted to seeing a car that didnt belong that was thrown out. Whats not to say Darrin tried to do the clean up??? Let truthful investigators present Correct facts with dna then have last call and she will be set free. Hopefully the truth will come out. Darlie murdered her kids and the evidence points to her only! Just makes no sense. How could Routier, a purported light sleeper, not wake up while her sons were brutally attacked and her own throat was slashed? Its all of YOU wholl pay for rushing to judgment because a woman cried her heart out at her babies grave, then managedin a time of utter griefto celebrate what wouldve been her sons birthday. I think that Darlie had a form of post partum depression and was hyper irritable due to a combination of conditions: Her husbands business was declining, with the third baby there were more responsibilities, the kids (the older one particularly) were hyper active and difficult to control,now they were out of school and on her hands 24/7 maybe she was drinking or doing some drugs. Damon, 5, was gasping for breath. Regardless this person, who is probably still out there doing this, panicked when the kids started yelling stranger danger or screaming, or whatever when the intruder walked into what I am sure he believed was an empty house. If you check the evidence of what blood was on the back of her shirt, youll see that they only found one tiny blood spot on the back, if she repeatedly stabbed the boys, she wouldve had a lot more blood spatter on the back of her shirt as the knife would be lifted up & back down again over & over, leaving more blood than was found on the shirt, one small spot doesnt fit with her supposedly stabbing the boys over & over, there wouldve been a lot more blood. For 20 years, the organization fought to run through the national database a bloody fingerprint found at the scene of a rape and stabbing that occurred in Baton Rouge, La., in 1982. Please, do try to keep up , They didnt test the sock at first, not till later. O.J. Even the prosecutions expert witness conceded that an intruder would not necessarily have had blood on him or tracked through the house. much love from this side of the pond . Old Case, New Developments - Fort Worth Weekly He just figured he was convicted of the first charge, and claimed innocence..so this one was a freebie in his sick sadistic mind. The fact that Darlie never once mentioned going to the sink for anything in any of her several initial statements to police convinces me she only added the part about wetting the towels after she realized the police had removed her sink. Blood spatter on knifing is usually on the back of the shirt where blood flies off the knife as it is brought up. She had way to many defensive wounds. I read a piece about five years after she was incarcerated that provided actual details of her daily prison life as a somewhat coarse and hardened, clumsily scheming womanpossibly the kind who would stage this sort of mayhem and accidentally stupidly almost kill herself with a poorly managed self inflicted wound. It all points to her and to her husband. You should probably assume that after being screened, the ones who are lucky enough to make it through have a low liklihood of being guilty. I saw and learned from inside out much about what is possible in a persons life from the inside out. They made the evidence fit their theories. No one with a soul or a good person could just execute a human being and kill them. I dont know how she has made it this far. (Not all obviously.) An accurate transcript is an absolute must and I think on that one fact alone she deserved a new trial. What forensics? We will see as time goes on! I think her husband knows she done this but he cant admit it. Wrong! Look at the Anthony Graves case & the district attorney Charles Sebesta knew before Anthonys trial began that he was innocent cuz Robert Carter informed him. I was 14 when the murders took place. Sad to say he was beyond help at this point. She had a well-known defense attorney too; not the barely-paid public defender most convicts get. Post partum is an unspoken epidemic, and being a mom is a thankless and life sucking job that sometimes leaves you hating your life because being treated like human garbage is normal everyday shit as a mom, but yay mothers day!?!? Archie Williams was convicted of that crime but, like Routier, always proclaimed his innocence. It wont be long now. She had every reason to be depressed, but that sure as hell didnt prove her to be a killer. Reddit's open forum for discussion of anything and everything about true crime, court cases, and the legal system. That wasnt even the whole video!!! Just because she wanted to be happy on the day she celebrated the boys birthday doesnt mean anything either, only redneck dumbass Texas conservative jurors will read it all wrong. Since 1994, Fort Worth Weekly has provided a vibrant alternative to North Texas often-timid mainstream media outlets by offering incisive, irreverent reportage that keeps readers well informed and the powers-that-be worried. Darin Routier was never investigated. Routier and her husband, Darin, divorced in 2011. People who have never experienced the DEVASTATION of losing a child will never understand this. And people had suddenly heard of Rowlett, then a town of 35,000 people. Although 85-J was compared to the fingerprints of the Routiers and first responders (with no match found) it has not been run through the national law enforcement database. Darin accused her immediately. As far as Im concerned, Jovell not only established that this plan was indeed in place, she also established that this was a pattern for Darin when he needed quick cash. He had the case for less than three months and the experts that were hired before he took over the case were ready and willing to testify for Darlie. #HOPEFORDARLIE. Get u story right. Did anything ever come of that? What forensic degree do you have. Well, look at that! Just something to think about. How much money do you all make off of this? I think she snapped and deeply regrets the murders. There is not evidence that this Mother killed her children. Am I the only one who thinks she is innocent? Her death is too easy. Ive seen lots of videos of self inflicted wounds people have done to get away with a crime & they are NEVER that deep they r always superficial unlike Darlie who had 1 that was down to the bone as well as the other wounds that were also very serious!!! They know a staged scene when they see one. scene!! How did the boys blood splatter get on the back of her shirt? We made a decision not to be morose. Ive taken 911 calls for 25 years. Darin basically admitted to his guilt and Greg Davis with held all that information from the jury. Numerous items from the crime scene were submitted. It is known that Darin did go outside to get help from Karen Neal, another neighbor across the street who happened to be a nurse. What the hell was her reason for planting a sock? They both act like white trash, especially when they had some money. Terry Laber and Bart Epstein had reached conclusions that were very different from Bevels. Most of you sound like you have no idea of the law of man works and how the justice system works. Im not even gonna comment on this, to many ignorant people in the world, and the state of Texas leads the way and thats fact. Darlie's 911 call came in at 2:31 am. DNA testing not available at the time was recently conducted and the results are discussed in the special. Darlies ex husband and mother made a deal with Doug Mulder not to implicate him in the crime. NOT, no way. They prosecutors did a character assassination tactic. Its specks of blood, suspected blood or other DNA, he said. Blood and blood splatters are very overwhelming evidence against Darlie. In fact, its my opinion, that she may have been trying to get her husband framed instead. That is not spatter and they say it shows she was already stabbed by the time the kids blood was on it. She told the operator Devon was dead and her other son was dying? Im of the mind that we not only should, but MUST make absolutely sure of guilt before killing someone for a crime. killings, then how did she get both Damon and Devons blood on it? Simpson stabbed Ron Goldman to death many times. I mean come on.how dare the investigators not take this tip seriously.?! May 2003: Court of Criminal Appeals upholds the conviction. Cooper said some previous testing included pubic hair found at the scene and was of no use. . Darlie should not have been given the death penalty because at the time of the crime she was temporarily insane hence not eligible too be charged with felony murder it was more like a passion killing How is that even possible? She was railroaded, by everyone including her own family. That only proves it may have been her sock, either laying on the floor or on her foot which came off during the struggle and when the attacker realized he had it on him or in his hand he dumped it. Everyone has their own way of mourning and even celebrating a life that was taken too soon. That could be a new spinoff of 20/20 where they hype up supporters of convicted killers who come out talking smack and end up withyou guessed itNOTHING!!! 2) What happened to Devon and Damon was WRONG and their story does indeed need to be toldbut it needs to be the correct story, and not this horseshit that the state came up with and people like you are still gobbling up without question. Why do they refuse to do that when there is over whelming evidence to prove his guilt? LOL How much longer are you gonna milk this? She needs justice. So they come up with ridiculous evidence that doesnt even match the crime There was nothing weird about the silly string. If you can then your simply lying about seeing the trial or there is the IQ issue! Folks, thinking that your law enforcement and media are always right in your delusional Mayberry world will keep putting innocent people in jail. Darlie Routier, death row: Did Dallas woman kill her sons? | news.com Let be honest at times wrongfully many have been convicted by unprofessional individuals. Its so much easier to call everyone else out on their flaws than it is to take a good hard look inside yourself and confront your own shit. I can not wait until they finally start to investigate Darin Routier. You should be asking yourself why the hell they refuse to investigate Darin Routier. So with a slit throat bleeding to death she ran that far to dump a sock Witt her kids blood on it. Leave them. Really? Per the medical examiner, Damon could only have lived 9 minutes AT MOST after being stabbed. So if you are so sure she is guilty you should feel comfortable enough that they can prove it legitimate this time. That is the one detail you have refused to expose in this case, why? Darin Routier could not be excluded from a lot of the items tested. We share with you the RD Researcher's Newly Found Information that we have submitted to the In. They lied. So sad this mess she got herself in is unbelievable. She did this after stabbing the boys and prior to cutting herself. People need to know the truth about Darin Routier. 3) They werent targeted, and this wasnt a random crime. More than 20 years after she was convicted of murdering her young son, a Rowlett woman on death row remains hopeful her conviction will be overturned. Why isnt Darlie Kee being audited? And I just keep thinking, When is it Darlies turn?. U dont have a clue!!! Toby Shook and Greg Davis need to be investigated right along with Darin Routier. You are right Jaime!!! Watching you crazy ass liars and criminals loose your shit will be icing on the cake. 20 years later, I strongly believe there is more than enough reasonable doubt. The fact that she had breast implants should have never been brought up in trial but it was .You know someone is getting railroaded when a juror is making snide comments about the defendants breast implants. Oh and as far as footprints, thieves usually do not wear shoes that leave prints often opting for socks. They saw the silly string video & immediately believed she was guilty!!! The Dallas County District Attorneys office told NBC 5, "This year the state crime lab, under orders from Criminal District Court No. No didnt think so !! Kee is an Altoona native whose maiden name was Mauk. That was not a self inflicted wound. Either way, why would anyone want to see someone loose their life? The Rowlette police manufactured conclusions to evidence that did not exist. He had been stabbed in the back and died shortly after. If you are so sure why not give her another trial. Well about the ladys mentioned above.At least they are not baby killers.She is not going anywhere untill she takes that ride to recieve her justice. I wouldnt be surprised if law enforcement even planted evidence in this case. Darlie has a chance if she comes clean about what she knows about Darin. So you slander people for using fake profiles when you have been using fake profiles for years? If one can be convicted of perceived character, that lady needs locked up. There is more to his story and how good business was. Kristina knows his name. The trial transcripts prove for a fact Darin was never implicated. That was a circus put on a by a bunch of mail in it prosecutors and especially that blood spatter expert who walk in on that scene and basically proclaimed Darlene guilty. At least be creative if you plan to lie. Walking in my neighborhood in the evening delivering a Christmas card. Sad all the way around. Darin was the suspect before Doug Mulder took over the case and after Darlies mother and Darin got involved the evidence against Darin just disappeared and he was no longer a suspect. Doing what he did to those kids and what he tried to do to their mom tells you this is a depraved and tortured soul. Vanessa Potkin, the director of post-conviction litigation and Jane Pucher, a . If that would have been cut she would have been dead. Hi Steph, I follow storys like this all the time and I am telling you.. Darlie did not do this crime! Her ex-husband still believes that she's innocent. And the defense always having the rush to judgment, tunnel vision, containminated crime scene, junk science, S.O.S. No one gets to judge a person for their behavior on their recently deceased sons birthday less than 2 weeks later but that person. Since at least 2018, DNA tests have been ordered multiple times after technology has advanced. Youre the Darlie fangirl. The weapon and glass and all that is better explained in the podcast than what I can sum up in a few sentences. She is innocent. An entire window, bricks and all, was removed from the house and used at the trial. It is amazing how all those cops and prosecutors are still doing live interviews defending that shady crooked investigation they did on the Routier case. He failed three poly tests because he was grieving? I hope that heres the deal and the reason the police pleaded the fifth amendment the police recorded that footage with im assuming what turned out to be an illegal wiretap. Why are you attacking each other like a bunch of rabid, unsocialized bullies. She could have cut pricked their fingers for the blood days earlier. There remains zero evidence of any intruder. No bloody shoeprints, no handprints, & after 23 years, if there was any evidence to prove Darlies innocence, wouldnt it have come out by now? Im not sure but I can see the underlying hints of sexism and projecting stereotypes on how mothers and woman should be. Shes innocent. darlie routier 2022 update. Omg. She didnt know she was a millimeter away from her carotid artery. The intruders had been in the house many times before. She does t remember doing it!! If the convictions are indeed accurate the respective states need not be concerned with a review of their work correct? That polygraph was for her defense, but had refused to take one for the police, immediately after the murders she committed. Ive long openly opposed this unfounded reason for a parent to murder their child when it has nothing to do with also having judgment of a woman because she may be different from you or me. I say this because I saw the birthday party on the news. Dear Aunt Luann, (and others) It was Glen Mize I know it was him I saw him! I lost a child 20 years ago. Andrea Yates admitted claimed mental health There was not one single piece of evidence that proves she killed them. Thats only in the book. I guess those guys are sleeping pretty good. Well golly gee my auto correct works because I probably typed Damians name in recently and he is a supporter so Ill correct myself just for you DAMON hope you booty feels better now . She is guilty but shouldnt be executed because i dont believe in death penalty. ORtega Gassett. Copyright 2020 Fort Worth Weekly, All Rights Reserved. The Innocence Project recently was victorious in a situation that parallels states evidence 85-J in Routiers case (#runtheprint, Aug. 29, 2018). MY HUSBAND DIED IN MARCH AND ME AND MY CHILDREN CELEBRATED HIM ON FATHERS DAY THE SAME WAY,, ITS NOT A DAM CRIME WE WASNT DANCING AT HIS GRAVE BUT WE WAS CELEBRATING HIS LIFE AND LOVE AS A FATHER.. AS FAR AS ROXXANE,, OH EXCUSE ME ROXXANA WHAT BULLSHIT !!!! Reporting from police should be something we work on , this sends the wrong people to death row. If youve ever been in a fight or witnessed one you would know that. Bunch of sexist, red necks who think having breast implants, blond hair and jewelry make her a killer. He has been milking and mocking this case for 23 years. I hope you know theyre just in it for the law challenge. .. lol. MATT. Know this. I have witnessed both self-inflicted and defensive wounds. But the defense has had permission from the court For 10 Years to run the print. Couple things that really bother me about this (1) if someone was trying to kill me or my kids wouldnt you be yelling for your husband or wife who was upstairs and wouldnt he hear anything?Ever thing i ever saw would suggest you would(2) the blood evidence of splatter on her from her kids doesnt lie just like OJ blood was 100% at the murders ofGoldman/Brown.I believe the husband was involved somehow. And a neighbor of the Rutiers said she saw a vehicle parked outside the Routiers home 7 or 8 days before the murders, didnt recognize it, & a man left when he saw the neighbor approaching the car. The crime looked to perfect for it to be an inside job. The bloody sock almost a football fields length away from the house. As for Darlies case there are compelling issues that need to be re-examined just like the Jones and Avery cases. The 1st round of DNA testing DID reveal *unknown* DNA from the crime scene. This is the legacy everyone in the state of Texas with the last name of Routier has. No indication that there is an ongoing investigation, that The defense attorney Mudder has sinse died, A forensic investigator has since deceased. And for the record, he didnt actually go out the utility room through the garage. Why Darin defended her so strongly I dont know. Afraid the dna evidence and the bloody print will set her free? Lets wait for the new evidence to be presented before we start talking shit to each other! I think he found someone and it went south. Aaaahahahahaaa. The Prosector loved Nothing better than criticizing Darlie. Now he straight up failed his polygraph. Sounds like possible typical Texas investigating to me. Darin has never been investigated. Thank you for trying to be a voice of reason! Thats not by accident. Routiers supporters often point to a bloody sock found in the alley about 75 yards from the familys home. Terri, you are certainly entitled to your (wrong) opinion. They need the money. Raven Skyfeather.well my my my arent you just the delusional twat. It would have taken Darlie 60 seconds total at a very leisurely pace to drop the sock then get back to the crime scene. And the other (illegally taken) video footage of the family at the cemetery having a prayerful memorial service and you hear the anguish and weeping while they were thereTHAT FOOTAGE was purposely NOT shown to the jury because the Detectives and Prosecutors knew that the jury would see how much Darlie loved her boys. I have kids. She is a beautiful loving mother that has been put through holy hell. Remember when you could actually read the comment section without all of the hate, bigotry, racism and biased political nonsense (example from this page, Liberal baby killers, are you serious??)? After reading an interesting news story, it would be nice to be able to read other peoples thoughts and opinions. The Bible said we wud see all kinds of things. Yet, it still remains one of the best systems in the world. No one can explain away all of darlie blood at the sink, running down the cabinets and cleaned up and blood after blood after blood on the floor that is hers. I only speak about what I saw on several videos. He could of put a mask on and stabbed all three of them. Nobody knows this lady yet youre all willing to convict based on Forensic Files??!! All these people were concerned enough to take note of this suspicious-looking car that didnt belong in the neighborhood, but no one was able to get a tag number? So what? Its amazing. Sexism? You cant get that unless you did the killing. Shes white trash. White woman 25 years old cant walk in her own neighborhood at 7 in the evening. You have a 4th grade education, and you are too stupid and poorly educated to even understand this case. This feminist nonsese has gone too far when women who murder their kids says they were convicted because of Sexism. Yep, the Bible says she is guilty. I couldnt agree with you more! 4) Ill give you that one. It appears that Darin was friends with the lead investigators son, who just happen to be up for some very serious charges, including a drive by shooting. DarlieRoutierFactAndFiction.com Im betting NOT! BTW, I am 100 percent against the death penalty. Barbarians. It is very sad that the REAL killer will probably never be brought to justice because of this sloppy investigation. I agree! Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was born on January 4, 1970, in Altoona, Pennsylvania to parents Larry Peck and Darlie Kee. The forensic team needs to check the fingerprint found and do their damn job but the silly state of Texas wont allow it because they know they screwed up! No way was this case proven beyond a reasonable doubt. 1) The sock wasnt planted. The dna in the sock. Americans our Justice System needs to be revamp that you are Innocent Until proven Guilty not the other way. Starting in June 2008, new DNA tests have been done on the evidence from the Routier crime scene with the support of both the prosecution and the defense. Prosecutors in the case believe the matter is settled, but it continues to wind its way through the states appellate court system. Darlie Routier, 26, has cut and stab wounds on her neck and upper body. Stop supporting this baby killer. Now Devon and Damon are dead. Never happened. As for Routier, she remains on death row with no execution date set. I think the authorities new it wasnt Darlie who did it.They are either protecting Drain or someone known to them.No woman,even a crazy one will cut her neck because of the scar it would leave.Every thing I have read says,someone else is guilty! Her mother had an offer from Dr. Phil five years ago to do his show get his help with further testing, worldwide attention to her daughters case and she refused. It was Glen Mize! Not to mention the fact that he faked that cpr he did on Devon in front of officer Waddell. Her knife used to cut screen, jewelry wasnt taken at sink where clean up occurred, she named 2 men in her jail letters & freaked out on the stand when asked about it, blood under the glass & vacuum, no cuts on her feet, wine glass was latched wouldnt have been knocked down, Domain didnt bark, motion lites not on, she called media herself to film that grave scene. I just read a story about a lady who was killed in OH in 1974, her neck was broken & she was stabbed 3 times. Fingerprint didnt match anybody in the house yet never send in for testing, same with the sock. I dont believe she or anyone else for that matter could take a knife to their throat and cut it within a fraction of an inch away from the carotid artery. When it came to the bloody sock I hope she has Freedom sooner more so than later. Theres no need to talk about necklaces being surgically removed and pictures that jurors never saw (those fuckers saw every one of those pictures, they just didnt care). The only reason she has not been executed is because they know there were crucial mistakes made by both the officers involved in her case as well as the prosecution. June 14 was a big day for Kee and the defense team. Regardless the evidence will tell the truth and justice will prevail. That doesnt make it true?? @Sandra!!!! Why has she been protecting and covering for him all these years? What i dont understand is if a judge ordered the fingerprint to be ran years ago why it hasnt been done. Police discovered that a window screen had been cut in the garage, a possible entry point for the intruder. The facts are all in her wounds she was fighting off of an intruder for Christ sake its plain to see Ive been a trauma RN for 19 years these are classic signs of a woman fighting off an intruder!!!! Our prayer is that she will be released and that the Detectives (New ones hopefully who are not male chauvinists) will check the evidence again. Darlie will be there with you soon enough. There is mountains of evidence to show that someone else did this. The operator kept her head and did a fine job. Idiot,youd ignore facts such as someone slit her throat and bruised her arm and threw a bloody sock out a football field away from her house where u say she ran with her throat slit because your stupid thinks two spots of blood on the back of her shirt is more telling!!!! Can you explain w/o reasonable doubt her guilt. does not make her a murderer.. Darin Routier knows what happened so does Darlie Kee and Sarilda and Lenny Routier. Damon & Devon Routier - Unsolved Mysteries In Jan 2020, which would postdate your comment, 85-J was put through AFIS and, to no ones surprise, returned unmatched. Bloody footprints below the vacuum and broken wine glass? They never investigated the husband, they never asked why he locked her dog up earlier that night. Seems like over two years would be more than enough time considering she is on Death Row. Wasnt the murder weapon left at the original scene? Because Routiers 911 call lasted nearly six minutes and the boy was alive when paramedics arrived, many believe it would have been impossible for Routier to stage the crime scene and take the sock to the alley. She did everything as she was trained. Perfectly said ! You know the court agreed with Pat Wertheims finding that Darlies right ring finger cant be ruled out from leaving exhibit 85-J. In the interest of justice Im glad IP is on board. Now does that make my daughter a murder? I know it was him! If you cant charge someone and take them to trial on the basis of a narrative that checks out through your due diligence in evidence that speaks for itself; you do not need to be in a position to enforce the law at all.
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