did lori love shane more than rick?did lori love shane more than rick?

did lori love shane more than rick? did lori love shane more than rick?

Lori always seemed sort of demanding. 21. Lori got the gist. Any donation helps us keep writing! Another. As Grimes begins his search for what may or may not remain of his wife and young son Carl, both Lori and Carl are living alongside Shane as well as a host of new survivors on the outskirts of Atlanta. ccisthesekxs 3 mo. At least in the TV show, its well-established that Shane and Lori didnt start sleeping together till after the Zombie Apocalypse had started. STORY: 'The Walking Dead' Dissection: Robert Kirkman on Allegiances, New Threats and That Jaw-Dropping Scene. We dont shoot sick people., From the beginning, The Walking Dead has always focused on the human element of zombiedom. I hate characters that cheat on their lover lori thought her husband was dead.she is a person who is flawed she wouldn't have slept with shane if she thought he could still be alive.I dont hate lori. she is just another humanbeing that made mistakes. Lori jumped into a relationship with Shane right away and spent the time after Rick returned as if trying to convince herself she was happy he was alive and back. Youre too emotional! He's accepted that he and Lori are not going to be together. Rick and Andrea should definitely get together!!! Shane apologizes to Otis and shoots him in the leg with his last bullet. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. I never liked the both of them. Glenn says to Rick, Ive never seen him this mad. I wrote down that I couldnt remember why Carl was angry at Rick this time, but it turns out that we hadnt been shown the reason yet. It's easy to shame Lori for starting up a relationship with her husband's partner so quickly after his "death," but she truly believed that Rick was gone, and there is no implication that she was cheating on her husband before the epidemic. I totally agree with you!!! did lori love shane more than rick? Shane left him, but he thought Rick was dead or going to die. What 16 personalities is Rick Grimes? I have two children with my husband, but if we were faced with a zombie apocalypse I would need to see for myself that my husband was truly gone. So day 61 of the outbreak was the day she realized Rick was alive, less than a week later she's taking a positive pregnancy test. Was this the straw that broke the camel's back? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I can never judge a character 'till I've seen their side of the story too. Then she changed her mind and forced the vom. Lori died giving birth to Judith on season three of "TWD" and was raised by Rick (Lori's ex), Judith's brother, Carl (Chandler Riggs), Michonne, and the rest of Rick's survival group. loomian legacy what level does whimpor evolve. You thought I was dead. She says yes, but then he switched it up and said it was real and a long time coming. Thats disrespectful!! Lori is definitely having problems with the fact that she has feelings for Shane. Even though she thought he wasn't alive there is no reason why she went for his BEST FRIEND! She definitely loves Rick and possibly has stronger feelings for him but this is a guy who very much part of their family before apocalypse and was pretty much all that was left. If there is one supporting character that Walking Dead fans hated more than any other, it was Gregory. Baby Judith. Kirkman: Very much so. Can I use regular vinegar instead of distilled vinegar? Is there anything else I should know about? Lori took a deep breath: Shane and I.. What mental illness does Daryl Dixon have? Bryce is currently a college senior attending Rowan University with experience in writing for several online blogs as well as an advertising agency. FIRST RULE OF BROS.WE NEVER F3CK BROS WIFE EVEN IF HE IS FREAKIN DEAD.AND WHAT I CAN SAY ABOUT LORI.BURN TO HELL B1ATCH, i think that's pretty much the sluttiest thing to do, but i don't really hate her, i just don't have an opinion about her. My wife was pregnant once, Dale said expectantly. 2023 Fashioncoached. When Lori had a minor upset stomach at the smell of meat, Dale strolled over casually. What are the 3 questions Rick Grimes asks? All people didnt hate Lori. Nope. Lori said, Im not giving birth in a ditch. Rick was angry with her for not talking to him. AMC'sThe Walking Deadhas a long history of introducing and killing off main characters over the years. While in the show apparently she loves him (as shown by the conversation she had with him before he tried to kill Rick) and is sensitive about Carl doing anything. 10 Great Carol Burnett Performances In Movies And TV Shows. _WorldsTallestMidget 9 yr. ago I don't think she "loved" Shane the way she loved Rick. Did Lori love Shane more than Rick? I like Shane/Lori. Lori and Shane's love child has been fully embraced by Rick, who considers Judith his child regardless of her true parentage something Rick did since first acknowledging her. "I think he wants to talk to his father," Shane says. Updated February 27, 2015 at 07:58 PM EST, Okea Eme-Akwari as Elijah and Lauren Cohan as Maggie RheeThe Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 15, Josh McDermitt as Dr. Eugene Porter The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 11, Lauren Cohan as Maggie Rhee and Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Neganon The Walking Dead Season 11, Ritchie Coster as Pope, Lynn Collins as Leahon The Walking Dead Season 11, Episode 8, Lauren Cohan as Maggie Rhee in The Walking Dead Season 11, Episode 7, Lauren Ridloff as Connie - The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 6, Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon The Walking Dead Season 11, Episode 4, Lauren Cohan as Maggie in The Walking Dead Season 11. Its clearly a drama, but its aiming for emotional realism, which means there isnt really a metaphor. 8 Who is the least liked character on The Walking Dead? Of course I know. Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful, Address: Apt. With Carl he seems very genuine and well-intentioned. Why did Lori cry when Rick killed Shane? In flashbacks, Rick mentions that she seemed angry with him all the time, and we also see that Lori believes that they married too young. In S2E9 Triggerfinger, Lori tells Shane she told Rick. Before Rick's return in the first season of The Walking Dead, Shane and Lori had a relationship, and there were pros and cons for their relationship. Thats a messier system. Then he gets all butt hurt and goes to build his little wooden platform on the tower. We heard the horn honk a couple times. 2 BETH GREENE. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411, Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy. The three questions were: How many walkers have you killed? I'd want some kind of proof. Jenner tells Rick that No matter how you die, you always come back as a walker - in other words, everyone is already infected. Hey, its hard to stay mad at one of the very few men left on earth who actually looks good bald. Even if, it wasn't very long before you were on that guys lap for comfort. But they dont see that. She pointed out that Glenn was sent down the well, and Glenn is the go-to-town guy. He tried, though. Then theres the 28 [Measure of Time] Later franchise: Days was a freakish portrayal of urban decay, while Weeks was an outright Iraq allegory. Kirkman goes on to admit that, "maybe I should have spent a little more time featuring and focusing on her regret in the moment here. Follow Darren on Twitter: @EWDarrenFranich. BUT SHANE I'm here, fix ur ride and come pick me up!!! Heres my take on it: Lori finds out that Rick is dead and is reasonably distraught by it. The TV series made her a very hate-able character because of the lack of grief she showed towards missing Rick, the fact that she easily tossed his ring and locket aside before taking it from behind from another man, and that when he did return she tried to play it off like nothing happened. Then he approached Dale with a hypothetical question. Plenty of pregnant women have to ask themselves these questions in our non-apocalyptic world. 1940s 1947 We received a wonderful letter from Joan Dall Patton, who fondly reflected on her life with husband Ed "Pat" Patton, BArch '49. All Rights Reserved. You could also throw Colson Whiteheads awesome new book Zone One and the BBC gem Dead Set onto this pile. What mental illness does Rick Grimes have? Both r selfish, psychotic and ungrateful!!! Of course, it's obviously worth acknowledging that Shane did in fact fall in love with Lori over the course of his time on the series. She was nervous. He found her out in the field, and they had it out. Theres a nasty stench in the air at Greene Family Farm. I wasnt expecting Ricks quiet acceptance: I know. She sent Glenn into town to get some supplies from the pharmacy. annefrank420 9 yr. ago Rick considers himself autistic. AMC's zombie thriller, based on the classic comic book serial created by Robert Kirkman. Glenn: Maybe you shouldnt make that choice alone. But thats exactly what Lori was doing. Rick sees the pills and goes to find Lori, who admits she was in a relationship with Shane before Rick found them. Lori couldn't protect her son by herself. It was like she didn't even care. I hate lori is stupid because shane should have stayed away from lori and just because rick was not dead means. The Official Subreddit of The Walking Dead TV & Comic Universe. They found the remnants of a barricade. Rick walked into the empty tent and saw the morning-after boxes. A paranoid schizophrenic is sick, said Hershel. Hurt and angry that Lori has been ignoring him since Rick's return, he drunkenly corners her and demands that she talk to him. The love triangle involving Lori, Rick, and Shane was cited as an episode highlight. Then, the writers follows that up with the steamy love scene in the woods between Lori and Shane that would have never made it past the the major networks' censors, given how it ended. What is the hardest degree to get a first in UK? For what she and Shane thought, Rick was dead and as soon as she saw he was alive, she remained FAITHFUL to him, and constantly rebuffed Shane's advances. Anything. She said that the baby was Ricks, no matter what, although the timeline is a bit fuzzy to say the least. Shane might make the most sense for a partner for Lori without Rick in the picture. Also while Rick is at the bar, Dale tells Lori he thinks Shane murdered Otis and that Shane is dangerous. Even after seven seasons and a ton of brutal deaths, we will never forget The Walking Dead's Shane and Lori. Then she killed another. To Hershel, that incident was murder. In the immortal words of Henry Kissinger, Killing zombies is a great aphrodisiac.. In the show, the sex was kinda too close to know for sure who the father would be without DNA.I wonder how the writers are going to handle this. ZOMBIE KILL OF THE WEEK: A close race this week, especially considering the sheer quantity of kills by Shane and Andrea, but I give the medal to Glenn, who bravely rescued the Farmers Daughter from the pharmacy walker. Shane laughed: He wanted one of the Grimes Gangs best soldiers to leave? 10. Who is the weakest from The Walking Dead? Unfortunately, their smell apparently attracted some of the local suburbanites, who flocked around their car moaning for blood and flesh and brains. I think Shane has it in his head that he has given Rick enough chances to be the man he thinks Lori and Carl need him to be. Heres your Soap Opera Digest. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. It seems to me that all these different theories kind of fit together. Or rather, the metaphor of the show is essentially abstract how do people go on living in a dead world? She wants Rick to yell at her and have conflict. Maggie tried to buy his silence on that last part with a fruit basket. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. You can check out the scene in question below to see for yourself. I think where Darabont and the other writers screwed up is not devoting any screen time to depicting Lori grieving over her dead husband, being hesitant about getting close to another man, or having any initial discomfort with being intimate with Shane. Shane told her it was time to go, but she kept on shooting. RELATED:Top 10 Jon Bernthal Roles (According to IMDb). The group breathes a collective sigh of relief when they discover the safety of the underground CDC bunker, and a few old comforts of "home," like food, books, and a hot shower. He is also the first (main) character to be part of Rick's group and become an antagonist, the second being Spencer Monroe. Even if they both thought Rick was dead it was so sleezy of them to get it on as soon as they did!! Maybe thats a good thing. How did Rick know everyone was infected? Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. I have a dislike for them both just for the fact that they clearly did not mourn his death. She had trust for him in a world that became so horrific and dangerous in the blink of an eye, and it's realisticthat she might turn to him first. It's bordering on NSFW so watch at your own risk: That's definitely not a romantic scene, and Jon Bernthal seemed to understand that while filming. and decapitated him. He did what he believed he had to - even if it was killing an innocent survivor - and wasn't a big fan of "outdated" concepts like mercy and second chances when it came to taking new people into the group. I wish it came through more just how scared and panicked she was leading up to the incident, and how much regret and shame she felt after. I guess it could be interpreted that he's saying it's not true about intentionally lying to Lori.. but I interpreted it as him saying it wasn't true that the affair only started after he told her that Rick was dead. Did Lori choose Shane? The real reason, though, is that Carl is mad about not being allowed to fight the war with everyone else. Rick later awakens to find himself without his family and in a new world overrun by flesh-eating zombies. They can just explore the inherent dark humor of a world without rules, like Zombieland. ( Hey Rick!! What looks more natural over or under the muscle? Its an awful pairing, I think. Whether you're bitten or scratched by a walker or not, you will become a zombie once you die. Like the incident at my well. To the Grimes Gang, that incident was a simple matter: They killed a walker before a walker could kill them. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. And even then! Their conversation was complicated. Seeing the relationship between Shane and Lori as a very "carnal" and primal one, Bernthal turned his co-star over and approached the scene in a very physical and forceful manner. And it may be Shanes baby. Andrea couldnt land a shot. Maybe thats a horrible thing. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. She thought he was dead. I also don't like this biased poll, first of all Lori NEVER cheated on Rick. You didn't know for sure. But I think both seriously underestimated the reaction that many fans would have to Lori having an intimate relationship with a man so quickly after she thought her husband had died. She dropped her clip. I remember how nauseated she became at the smell of cooking meat, Dale said meatfully. To me, it was there, but maybe a little too internal. Glenn tackled the walker with his blade I think its a paper cutter, right? He had no qualms about starting an affair with Lori as soon as he thought Rick was dead, and when his former best friend returned, Shane held it against him for the rest of his life. Season 2, Episode 12: Better Angels. then shane wanted that back so tried to kill rick. Lor's a selfish, whiny and useless character. 5. Shane caught up with her in his shiny new automobile and apologized. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". I don't blame her for wanting to be with the person who kept her and her child safe, while she still could. First of all, why even go talk to him at this point? It was the opposite, actually. You shoot like a damn girl. Then he hit the third rail: Thats the walker that got Amy, now you shoot that son of a bitch, SHOOT HIM! That sent Andrea off in a huff. In high school, Lori met Rick Grimes, a fellow student. But you see this whole range of emotions on Shane's face during this talk. But the motion was only half of the test; he also started to crawl up into her head. We are a bunch of friends all over the world who, at a certain time of their lives, realised the doctors advice was not enough anymore. Shane gave her the wrong information, so why is everyone so bent on Lori? I agree with ForsakenMoon, never liked the idea. Im not quite sure what to think about this first batch of episodes in Walking Deads second season its been a mixed bag, for sure, what with Dream-Merle and the Search for Sophia and T-Dog. How many people have you killed? King County, Georgia. Sure, he tried to save Rick on the show, but if he were a true friend who really respected him, he would not have made the moves on Lori. Rick confronts his former best friend, Shane, away from the farm and everyone else about what he and Lori had doneSubscribe to FSC Films for more Shorts tha. She was in a lustful relationship to get over grief? And it would explain a lot. Death. And theyre people. Dale was savvy enough to sense that he couldnt change Hershels mind. How many walkers have you killed? Rick's series-long journey culminated with his final words, a reference to his initial focus on finding his family in the Walking Dead pilot. He WAS there. Yes, it may have happened a bit soon, but they all knew they could die at any time. Shane approaches, fresh from his encounter with Lori. The world crashed down around them, their loved ones were dying. Rick doesn't reveal the news to the rest of the group until the Season 2 finale. Before its introduction of memorable villains like Woodbury's heinous leader the Governor and baseball bat-wielding sociopath Negan, the most nail-biting interpersonal drama of Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead was the romance between Lori Grimes and Shane Walsh, especially once it was interrupted by Lori's husband, series protagonist Rick Grimes. In the present, Shane and Rick talk about the affair, and Shane repeats the sentiment to Rick in a jealous rage,saying that he believes that the end of Rick and Lori's relationship was a long time coming and that he was there for her when she needed him. Original Question: Did Lori love Shane more than Rick? It's estimated that Rick was in his coma for four to five weeks and then a few more weeks until he was finally reunited with Lori, his son Carl, and Shane. Yeah okay, this ones a bit of a cheat since its difficult to gauge Judith as a character given that she cant even talk yet. When some people experience great feelings of stress and grief, they can begin to see things that aren't there. Itis reasonable that she would want to stay close to him, and that feelings would develop from that safetyshe felt with him. british museum security (Unlike his friends, Dale seems to sense the reservoir of slight madness that lurks behind Hershels country-doctor grin.) On the road back home, Andrea grabbed Shanes privates and flashed some bedroom eyes. If she'd kept fooling around with him after Rick came back, that'd be a different story. (You can tell its a completely unrealistic comedy, because JFK and Nixon both have guns and dont instantly shoot each other in the face.) Youre old, Glenn said. Seriously) So then Lori looks up and sees Shane working. I like the drama, it makes the series interesting since u never know whats gonna happen when Rick finds out, and now that Lori is preggo hhhhmmm who knows! Shane brought out his best Full Metal Jacket impression and started giving gun lessons. Shane's a womanizer who barely respects women, Rick's a family man, deeply devoted but disillusioned. He had a genuine soft spot for Carl. Anyway, check it. She definitely loves Rick and possibly has stronger feelings for him but this is a guy who very much part of their family before apocalypse and was pretty much all that was left. Just before Rick leaves the CDC, Jenner whispers something in his ear: Everyone is infected. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Dale brought up the time Shane pointed a gun at Rick: I know what kind of man you are. Shane provided a counterargument that turned into a threat: You think Id kill my best friend? What are the strongest factions in total war Warhammer? second what the hell does she ever do in season one you see her look for mushroom (which all she really does it screw shane) and in season 2 she chops a carrot oooooh ill pass on her im sorry, Well at least Rick knows tht Lori Did it. with Shane. Hershel is in a similar situation: My wife and step-son are in that barn. What do you think about Lori from The Walking Dead? Back at the farm, Dale casually took Shane aside and said he should consider getting on his way. So Lori and Shane are 'together' in more ways than one, and Rick shows back up. Not making excuses here, but it's just part of the storyline. It has us wondering what could've happened if the affair had never happened, and Shane had survived long enough to face off against Negan. What is the most powerful sound in Earth? So, I don't agree with cheating but I get why they did it. I think its possible that Lori chose Shane, and that in doing so she deliberately put Rick in harms way. Who is the weakest from The Walking Dead? Maggie came along for the ride. His plan to lure Rick out into the woods and murder him. Because she didn't actually know that Rick was alive. Lori's a bitch, she cheated Rick with Shane and then she dismissed Shane when Rick was back. He just had them in epi 1 acting like they had been lovers for some time when it had only been 28 days since Shane had lied to her and (apparently)told her he had seen Rick killed. 2. If she loved Shane more, she would have - tearfully I imagine - broken things off with Rick but tried to maintain a united front for their son, Carl. He even offers to go accompany Daryl so Rick can focus on his son. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. As fans have pointed out, it logically made more sense that Judith was Shane's child. I do not believe Shane said that in an attempt to be deceptive. They can reconfigure history as a bloodsoaked farce: Witness the curiously expansive list of films that feature Nazi Zombies. The fact is she understood that Rick and Shane were headed to a showdown, she demonstrated that understanding, and goaded them on, and now she's unhappy with the outcome. ago Then, when Rick insists on taking care of the prisoner himself Shane responds "You care more about that prisoner than Carl". Shane had an aggressive personality, where Lori was the opposite. She can already see a sociopathic strain in Carl, growing in response to all the atrocities hes had to witness. Heres your conditioner. He's an extremely muscular person, and stands over a head taller than Rick. I don't really hate Lori. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. I never would have gotten together with you if I had known that he wasn't dead. The moment Rick comes back, everything changes. Together, they had a son named Carl. Shane attempts to kill Rick Grimes, believing that he can protect Rick's wife and son Lori and Carl better. In the end, Rick found a new family and sacrificed himself to save them. The Walking Dead concluded its final season in November, but that's not the last fans will see of Rick Grimes. Who is the least likable Walking Dead characters? Is it cheaper to run a generator on gasoline or propane. Lori lived and grew up in King County, Georgia. Lori has to make a big choice, and Shane teaches Andrea how to kill zombies good, The Walking Dead recap: Lori tells Rick the truth. she did it only because she thought her husband was dead, Give Her A Break , She Did It Cause She Thought That Rick Was Dead. After that conversation, Lori seemed resolute. There are (smarter?) He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee. With The Good Doctor Losing A Character, How Worried Should Fans Be For The Season 6 Finale? When Carl wanted to learn how to shoot, he lied to Dale about needing a walkie-talkie and grabbed a pistol from the RV arsenal; then he whispered to Shane that he wanted some private gun lessons. To the extent that the Grimes Gang has a political structure, its kind of a direct democracy, with Rick less of an elected-by-majority President than an appointed-by-default Prime Minister. The intimate relationship between Shane and Lori has sparked a lot of criticismdue to the fact that Shane was Rick's partner in law enforcement before the apocalypse hit.

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